The BZ series of Zoom Variable Beam Expanders are available with 2X - 8X continuously variable beam expansion ratio. For the zoom models, the expansion ratio can be adjusted from the minimum to the maximum value via one full rotation of the zoom control. Once the desired magnification is obtained, a setscrew can be tightened to lock the magnification.

Our Zoom Variable Beam Expanders include the working wavelength 9.6um, CO2 10.6um, YAG 1064nm, 532nm, 355nm.

Zoom Beam Expanders


1064nm BX-Z

Part No. Magnification Input CA (mm) Output CA (mm) Length (mm)
BX-Z-1064-2-8X 2-8 10 30 143-150
BX-Z-1064-2-8X-B 2-8 13 60 170

 532nm BX-Z

Part No. Magnification Input CA (mm) Output CA (mm) Length (mm)
BX-Z-532-2-8X 2-8 10 30 132
BX-Z-532-2-8X-B 2-8 11 60 190

 355nm BX-Z

Part No. Magnification Input CA (mm) Output CA (mm) Length (mm)
BX-Z-355-2-8X 2-8 10 30 143-150
BX-Z-355-2-8X-B 2-8 11 60 185-194

CO2 10.6um BX-Z

Part No. Magnification Input CA (mm) Output CA (mm) Length (mm)
BXZ-10.6-2-6X 2X-6X 16 96 206-213
BXZ-10.6-2-8X 2X-8X 10 36 168-172

Note:BX is Beam Expanders; Z is zoom; B is big output diameter